
Forensic Accounting

Forensic Accounting

Do you need a professional to analyze business or marital assets in preparation for trial, arbitration or divorce?

Mr. Friedman specializes in finding and analyzing irregularities in all financial documents to protect you from fraud, theft, or embezzlement that may have been committed against you or your business. Mr. Friedman’s comprehensive review will help determine how to best protect your assets and his support services will help with the recovery of assets.

Business, Real Estate and Personal Property Valuation

Are you looking for a current and accurate asset or real estate valuation for litigation, negotiation or strategic planning purposes?

Your most valuable assets such as your business, real estate holdings and personal property may require updated valuations for many reasons. Mr. Friedman’s reliable and accurate valuation will allow you to maximize sale of assets or leverage them for potential credit and growth.

Expert Witness Testimony for Trial, Arbitration and Deposition

Are you looking for a well-known and reliable expert to testify on your behalf?

Mr. Friedman offers comprehensive litigation support including thorough financial reviews and investigations to detect activity that may be indicative of fraudulent activity. With in-depth analysis and assessment of all relevant documents, he can clearly introduce evidence as an expert witness on your behalf or assist your legal team in getting the best possible results at trial or if needed, to build leverage when settling a case. Mr. Friedman can also assist with interviews of material witnesses.

Mr. Friedman has experience testifying in multiple jurisdictions across the State of Florida involving cases with over a million dollars of damages. In addition to court testimony, he has experience with arbitration and preparing reports for use with AAA Arbitration.

Business Understanding and Analysis

Are you looking for someone who has deep experience building and handling all aspects of their own business to help develop and expand your business, guiding you through the growth process?

Mr. Friedman has personal experience building businesses and leading them to optimal success. His education and real-life experience allow for a unique understanding of how to strategically plan and achieve both short-term and long-term goals.

Business Understanding and Analysis

Free Consultation

Contacting the firm is free. We understand that the tax and accounting issues and/or disputes facing you, your family, or your business can seem daunting, and we're here to help.